This window revolves around the dandelion and transience. It is about our efforts to stop time, or at least to postpone the transience of time.
In ancient Greek, this term stands for only one day. Today we use the word ephemeral to mean fleeting or transitory.
A poetic symbol of this fleetingness is the dandelion. One breath of wind, and beauty is over, all one hundred parachutes are distributed - so that next year a meadow full of dandelions will shine again!
Have we outwitted transience? Have we captured time under glass? We have tried. We failed, of course.
Scenarist: Theo Schäfer
We would like to thank Rita Oechsli for the blowball trick, who had it from the florist Grüens Härz in Liestal, and this in turn from the artist Regine Ramseier and the artist Duy Anh Nhan Duc.
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